Staff Training & Development

staff training & developmentIntent

Child care centre staff enter employment with varying levels of knowledge, skill and experience. Employees must understand what is required of their work, and also need opportunities to acquire new information and support to upgrade and continue to improve their skills, knowledge and approaches. Staff are encouraged to attend workshops, seminars and/or conferences that will help them further expand their knowledge base and skills.

Orientation Requirements

Upon hiring staff must have the following documents completed and signed:

  1. Standard First Aid and CPR-C (All staff)
  2. Criminal Reference Check (All staff)
  3. Medical Health Assessment (All staff)
  4. Sign-off on all policies and procedures (All staff)
  5. Food Handlers Certificate ( Cook and 1 Administrator)
  6. AODA Training (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act) (all staff)

Regular Training Schedule

The following training certificates are to be upgraded before their expiration date:

  1. Standard First Aid and CPR-C – Must be renewed every 3 years
  2. Food Handlers Certificate – Must be renewed every 5 years
  3. All policies and procedures must be signed-off on annually
  4. Continuous Professional Learning – Required for all Registered Early Childhood Educators

Ongoing Professional Learning, Mandatory Training & Support

All staff (excluding volunteers and students) are required to attend one professional practice course, webinar, conference or workshop per year. Upon return, they are also required to share what they have learned with the rest of the team during staff meetings. Hours spent for any learning or training needs will be paid for using lieu time.

RECE’s must also complete the CPL as it is a mandatory requirement outlined in Ontario Regulation 395/15: Continuous Professional Learning.

RECE’s and ECA’s will be made aware of any upcoming workshops, conferences, webinars and courses they can attend to upgrade their qualifications by the supervisor or director.

Valuable Resources for Staff Development

  1. Early Years Portal website. This is a good resource to use as it provides an overview of licensing standards and should be used along with the CCEYA.
  2. How Does Learning Happen? The Ministry of Education Provides a range of resources to support professional learning for individuals, teams and with others in the community. 
  3. Continuous Professional Learning (CPL). Designed to help RECEs reflect on, plan for, and document their professional learning in a meaningful way. CPL is mandatory for Registered Early Childhood Educators as outlined in Ontario Regulation 359/15. 

Compliance Indicators

This policy is in accordance with Clause 43 of Ontario Regulation 137/15 which requires that licensees' support staff relation to continuous professional learning. This policy is to be reviewed and signed-off by all staff, students and volunteers. This will be implemented and monitored for compliance and contraventions.

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