
dismissalIf you wish to withdraw a child, you must give written notice to the Director two (2) weeks above one month before you do so. We cannot guarantee space if you temporarily wish to take your child out of the program for a period of time (e.g. maternity leave, summer vacation). To secure the spot you must continue to pay the regular fees.
In the event of outstanding fees, the space of a family may be withdrawn with no previous notice. TWG may pass the outstanding fees to a collections agency for recovery.

Withdrawal Due to Special Circumstances

In the event a child’s behaviour is causing disruption to the program, harm to others, or harm to property of the program, a family may be withdrawn from the program. This extreme measure would only take place after consultation with the child’s family. All decisions are made while keeping in mind the best interest of all the children enrolled in the program.

TWG reserves the right to withdraw services for the following reasons:

  1. A child's behaviour is consistently causing excessive disruption to the program; harm to other children, or harm to property.
  2. A parent's refusal or inability to abide by the policies and procedures as set out in this Parent Manual.
  3. A parent's conduct being harassing, belligerent, abusive or in any other manner inappropriate.
  4. Outstanding fees – either regular weekly fees, or any other fees such as fees due from a late pick-up.

The Program Supervisors and, if necessary, the Director will monitor and assess each individual case involving extreme behaviour and issues. Two weeks notification may or may not be given when a family is asked to withdraw a child. Regular fees and fees due during notice will be levied. The parents are required to sign an acknowledgement when care has been withdrawn. In case they refuse, an e-mail by the Centre to the address on file explaining that the parents refused to sign the acknowledgement will serve the same purpose.

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